Industry and Warehouses

Production Plants

Buildings for production plants, warehouses, and the industrial sector.

Buildings for Production Plants

The buildings for production plants by Cover Technology are your ideal solution if you want to increase your company’s production capacity, easily and efficiently. These modular structures can be quickly assembled and offer multiple customisation options, adapting perfectly to your company’s specific needs.
They are available both for temporary uses – such as renovations, emergencies, or peak times – and for permanent uses, guaranteeing unparalleled flexibility of use. Our buildings for production plants can be used in several ways, including as manufacturing buildings, covered warehouses – either permanent or temporary –, test facilities, and distribution centres. With our facilities, you can also set up buildings for offices and corporate canteens, and you can choose from a wide range of solutions to improve the efficiency and performance of your industrial plant.
The modular structures by Cover Technology allow for an easy expansion or reduction of covered spaces to satisfy your ever-changing business needs. This flexibility is a great plus for companies that have an ever-changing demand for space, as it allows them to adapt quickly to new circumstances without any production interruption.
The buildings for production plants are designed with high quality materials and are characterised by great resistance to rough weather conditions. This ensures a safe, secure working environment for your staff, helping to improve productivity and well-being in the workplace.

Industry and Warehouses

All Cover Technology solutions for industrial buildings, logistics and warehouses, production plants, the nautical sector, and structures for the green, energy and renewable sector.

Technical Details of Cover Technology Production Plant Structures and Buildings

Our modular industrial structures offer the following advantages:

Several Configurations

Open or closed structured, customisable thanks to the many accessories and fittings available.

Installation on Different Surfaces

Asphalt, concrete, natural soil, sand. Thanks to a special anchoring system (by mean of threaded bars, plates and nails, or spiral bars).

Snow-bearing Capacity

Ranging from 60 kg/m2 of the basic structure up to 400 kg/m2 for heavy snowfall areas.

CE Marking

Thanks to Cover Technology accreditation, the structural elements are provided with the CE Marking according to EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011.
The buildings by Cover Technology are available in a wide range of sizes and configurations, so that companies can find the perfect solution for their specific needs. The many options available allow for a high degree of customisation, thus ensuring the perfect integration of the structure with the existing environment and company facilities.
The buildings for production plants by Cover Technology offer companies a unique opportunity to increase their production capacity, efficiently and cost-effectively. Their versatility, strength and high degree of customisation make them the ideal choice for improving operational efficiency and business competitiveness.

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